
Friends Around The Globe

If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it 1,000 times: everyone needs FOREVER. Everywhere needs FOREVER. And, with this client, we just got a little bit closer to “everywhere.”

Alakta Kar, from India, has always had a thing for photographs.

“Ever since I was a teenager, I would make little books, address books. I’d include a photograph of a person whose birthday it was. I’ve always had an affinity for photographs.”

Alakta made it clear: she loves FOREVER. So I sat down with her (virtually!) and asked some questions.

What brought you to FOREVER, or the memory-keeping field?

“During one of my vacations to the US, I was introduced to scrapbooking. I totally fell in love, because the other passion I had was paper. So I bought and I bought and I bought and I bought.”

When did you move on to digital scrapbooking?

“I’ve always been into technology. So on one of my vacations, I started looking into the digital stuff, and I was introduced to “Storybook Creator.” So I started with that.

I’ve had my fair share of fear, of angst, of what was going to happen? There goes [another company], now what’s going to happen? But I am so happy to be with FOREVER, because I truly believe it’s permanent. I’m a total loyalist.”

So you use Artisan?

“I love Artisan. Artisan 4, Artisan 5, Artisan 6, I’ve always bought it on day 1. I’ve started A6, and I don’t think I’m looking back at A5 at all. [I’ve moved almost totally to digital scrapbooking.] I was introduced in 2009, and I’ve been hooked ever since.”

How did you really start connecting with FOREVER?

“So I’ve been a part of pixels2Pages since they were like little little pixels. I started doing the Day2Day posts in the Facebook group, and I’ve connected with so many people that way, including my Ambassador.”

Do you think FOREVER has fostered a sense of community for you?

“Most definitely. I lost my father in January, and when I shared it (that week, my Day2Day pictures were all about him), these people - people that I’ve never met - just all reached out.

The bonding is amazing, and it’s just the love for scrapbooking and preserving memories and telling the story.”

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