
My Favorite Example Of Love

April 19, 1992

Some might remember it as Easter Sunday. Many might not remember the date at all. For me, it’s not a memory - it’s history. It’s the start of my favorite love story ever told: the day my parents met.

My parents were both living in Philadelphia, PA at the time and were tangentially linked to the music scene - my mother by being a bartender, my father by actually being a musician. As anyone in that scene will tell you, there’s rarely more than two degrees of separation. It’s usually only a matter of time until paths cross.

So, back to the 19th: it was late in the afternoon at this point, and my mom’s best friend got invited by another musician to come stop by for some dinner & movies. In fact, he invited my mom’s whole crew. Many people living in the city weren’t nearby their families; it was natural to want to feel a sense of community with each other. So, off they went, a group of 4, for what everyone expected to be a normal Easter Sunday.

Except, almost immediately upon entering the house, it didn’t feel normal anymore; my dad saw my mom.

As it was told to me when I was a child, they “immediately locked eyes.” As it’s been retold to me as an adult, my dad “immediately had his eyes on” my mom, whereas my mom was more focused on being a social butterfly. But it didn’t take too long for her to notice him too, with his shoulder length brown hair & big eyes. After some food & films, they’d cozied up on the couch when they realized they were out of movies. As it was Easter, the local video rental stores were closed. There were some movies at my mom’s apartment, so she suggested she’d pick them up, if “someone” (as she made eyes at my dad) would drive her over there.

“Well, I have a Vespa,” he said. And so off they went.

This is my favorite part, though - as she hopped onto the back of his scooter, she was freezing in a way that April wind is wont to make you. He was wearing a large leather jacket. And so my mom asked, “Can I put my hands in your pockets?”

He replied, “My pockets are your pockets.”

My parents quote that to this day. They’ve been inseparable ever since.

So, how does this relate to FOREVER? Well, over the years, I’ve had to be reminded of several parts of the story. And, as much as I don’t want to think about it, I know I won’t always have my parents around to remind me. So, along with the first photo of them ever taken & their wedding “Thank You” card (drawn by a friend), I’ve saved this story in my account.

I never want to forget it. They are my favorite example of love.

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