Blueprints: November 2023
Here are this month’s nine unique Blueprint (BP) offerings. In addition, we are including our Double Page Spread BPs (DPS) as Seamless Layflat (SLF) files. You will receive 21 individual Blueprints to use for easily creating layouts that preserve your memories.
Double Page Spreads:
- Enjoy Every Moment by Tameka | 25 photos [15+14] | #p2PEnjoyEveryMomentBP
- Xocolati by Mary | 25 photos [10+15] | #p2PXocolatiBP
- Grands by Pam | 10 photos [3+7] | #p2PGrandsBP
Seamless Layflat (SLF):
- Enjoy Every Moment by Tameka | 25 photos | #p2PEveryMomentCountsBP
- Xocolati by Mary | 25 photos | #p2PXocolatiBP
- Grands by Pam | 10 photos | #p2PGrandsBP
Single Page Layouts:
- San Diego Experience by Tameka | 7 photos | #p2PSanDiegoExperienceBP
- Tequila Tasting by Mary | 8 photos | #p2PTequilaTastingBP
- Gusti by Pam | 5 photos | #p2PGustiBP
Are you trying to download these Blueprints? Please see the post above for instructions on how you can obtain an entitlement to these Blueprints. Blueprints are typically member-only items. If you do not see instructions for obtaining an entitlement, and a download button in not in this area, that could mean either 1) you were not a pixels2Pages member in the month these Blueprints were released, OR 2) you have not yet completed the checkout process (details in the post above) to purchase them.