Hollywood Crop Week 6 Recorded Message

  • Come back at some time after 9PM Eastern Time on Wednesday, April 6, 2022 for a recorded message from the Pixies.



  • Get ready to have blast.
  • On Thursday, April 7, 2022, post a Globe Page to the pixels2Pages Community Facebook group or the Hollywood Crop Facebook Group. CLICK HERE to learn how to make a Globe. Use #p2P12Birthday.
  • Post a video to our collaborative album in honor of our 12th Birthday. Tell us how pixels2Pages (membership, events, and/or community) has impacted your scrapbooking or your life. CLICK HERE to go directly to the collab album.


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Share any pages you create using this technique to the pixels2Pages Facebook Community using the following hashtag:


View Gallery Page credits and/or share your pages in a Collaborative Album.

Want to share your page in our Gallery? Maybe you want to know which kits and fonts are used on a page. Visit our Collaborative Album by clicking the button below.

Tip: Upload and properly credit your pages
Tip: Share your uploaded image to the collaborative album