Let's Cook Together Crop Blueprint Collection

Check out the all-new pixels2Pages™ Blueprint designs for the Let's Cook Together crop! You get four double page spreads!

The Let's Cook Together Crop Blueprints Collection includes 8 Blueprints (4 DPS) that have lots of room for your photos and stories. The Blueprints are available in both 12x12 and 11x8.5 sizes. The focus of every page should be your photos, and these Blueprints do that with maximum impact.

  • LACMA by Mary | 14 photos [7+7] | #p2PLACMABP
  • FOREVER Live 22 by Cindy | 7 photos [4+4] | #p2PFOREVERLive22BP
  • Girls Getaway by Pam | 5 photos [2+3] | #p2PGirlsGetawayBP
  • Saunter Along the Canals by Nathalie | 19 photos [13+12] | #p2PSaunterAlongTheCanalsBP

CLICK HERE to obtain an entitlement for these Blueprints so that you can see the download button. You will need to add promo code P2PLETSCOOKBPS to your cart to get these Blueprints for free. You must be a pixels2Pages Member in order to use this promo code. The promo code will expire on January 31, 2023. Starting February 1, 2023, you will need to purchase an entitlement for these Blueprints in the FOREVER store at the current price.

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