Tech Tip: P2P Blueprint Naming Systems Old And New
Change is a beautiful thing, isn't it? It's what keeps us on our toes, moving forward, learning new things, and adapting. Last month, we changed our Blueprint format for the first time ever, so that we now offer Blueprints created in Artisan 5. This change has been a huge hit with our members (and with the p2P team), as the new .artpage Blueprint format is so versatile and robust. The discussion about changing the Blueprint format elicited lots of comments on our Facebook Community group about Blueprints, renaming Blueprints, and the myriad of ways that different members have renamed or reorganized their Blueprints. Reading those comments led us to decide to make a change (going forward) in our Blueprint naming system - just for double page spreads - for the first time since we began distributing them. This tip will review our original Blueprint naming system, explain the new double page spread (DPS) Blueprint naming system, and offer you some advice on whether to rename the DPS Blueprints that you already have.
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