Showing posts with tag "Button: Home> Template".


Tech Tip: Blueprint Keywords

If you have been with pixels2Pages for any length of time, it is possible you have amassed hundreds and even thousands of Blueprints. While we cannot tag or categorize our Blueprints, this tip will give you a level of organization that will change your world.

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Tool Tip: Search for Blueprints

As a pixels2Pages member, you receive free Blueprints every month, as well as during each quarterly crop. It doesn’t take long to have a big collection. That means you want an easy, efficient way to find the Blueprint you want for your page. Searching for Blueprint can be done in multiple ways and they will be covered in this Tip.

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Webinar: September Holiday Series 3 - Mini Books

Mini Books make a great inexpensive gift. Let us share some ideas. We will also show you the new template viewing functionality that will help you get to the perfect template fast.

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Start2Finish: Before and After

Watch and learn how to easily take a single Blueprint and turn it into a double page spread that coordinate perfectly together.

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Bright Idea 153: Center Cut

This Bright Idea will create a center piece to a grid collage layout. You will learn how to use the wand tool to cut shapes apart and then turn those shapes into a photo drop point.

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