Content Manager Tip: Tale of Two Content Managers
If discrepancies in your Content Manager have you confused, this tip will provide you with helpful insight.
If discrepancies in your Content Manager have you confused, this tip will provide you with helpful insight.
The digital artists in the FOREVER Digital Art store create beautiful collections of kits. Often the collections are offered both as a bundle and individual kits. Sometimes the kits are a series. They have the same design style, but different themes. Have you ever thought, I wish I could combine these kits to access all the content together? This is where using categories comes in handy.
Learn how to apply purposeful tags to your Blueprints, templates and predesigned pages.
Learn some helpful tips to get you tagging more content in less time.
Get the most out of your content by learning all the new options to view and tag each element. Learning this will help you to find content efficiently!
The search feature in Artisan 6 is incredible and this Tip will make it even more powerful.
This tip will show you different ways to view your content in the Content Manager window.
Cultivate your content while in project while using the Tagging feature from within your project.
There are many ways to find your content in Artisan 6. Just like with Artisan 5, you can use Tags and Categories in the Content Panel. But Artisan 6 includes another powerful feature. When you’re in Content Manager, you can use Search. This tip will explore ways to use Search most effectively.
In this Tip, you will learn how to organize and find page templates using tags.
Lost Categories are no more. This tip will help you restore your categories when you move from one computer to another. It will even help you copy your organization to a second computer when you are actively using two computers with your content on an external hard drive.
In this tip, while we will focus specifically on tagging word art, we will still be considering the general concepts involved. Hopefully, you are convinced that tagging is a very personal task – it is not ‘one size fits all’ – and tagging word art is especially personal.
This tip is primarily for those who are new to tagging content, although even expert taggers may glean an idea or two. If you're just considering tagging, it can seem like quite a daunting project, especially if you have lots of content! I'm not gonna lie to you - it is a big project, but it's one that is easily broken down into small steps that can be completed over time, and the payoff is great!
Do you have "a lot" of digital art? Well, there is not a right or wrong answer. It is all perspective. 100 kits or 1,000 kits can be "a lot." When you have a lot of digital art, there comes a time when you need to manage that art. Nothing is truly stored in Artisan software. Artisan operates by looking at various windows folders on your computer. This tip will review several ways you can use Windows Explorer to manage your digital art.
Instead of seeing that whole long list of untagged elements staring back at you, this tip will show how to break the job down into manageable pieces.
If you are in the habit of tagging your content, you may come to a point where you would like to tweak the tags that you've chosen. Maybe you realize the system you are using isn't working for you, or maybe you don't have a system, or you have multiple systems and they are fighting with each other! It may be that you want all of your tags to start with an upper case (or a lower case) letter or you want them to all be either singular or plural. Perhaps you have one tag that has lots of one particular item in there - enough that that item needs its own tag - so that the other items become hard to find. Whatever the reason, there are some very simple ways to refine your tagging system without having to start over.
If you try many of the p2P Bright Ideas or you experiment with techniques you learned from p2P videos, you almost certainly have some papers, overlays, embellishments, clusters, or word art that you've created. The question is, what do you do with them, once you've made them? It may be that you use them on the page you're working on and forget about them, but every now and again, you may have something on your hands that you'd like to use again. When that happens, you'll want to add that creation to a Personal Art Kit, so that you can find it in the future.
Have you ever spent time looking for the perfect Fancy Font (alpha set) only to learn that the rest of the letters aren't the same style or color as the 'A' that you could see when you made your selection? Or that the set you chose only had upper case letters, and you wanted both cases? Or that it didn't have numbers or punctuation marks? If so, this tip is for you!
Installed fonts make it easy to turn your favorite fonts into shapes that can be used with your favorite Artisan tools. There are several ways to create shaped text in Artisan. This tip will showcase some of the ways you can use installed fonts and why you will want to use them.
Digital Art Kits for use in Artisan come in two formats – Commercial Art Kits and Personal Art Kits. There are several different file formats, and once again we are delving “under the hood” to see what’s what.