Products Digital Art

Book Club Page Pak



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So many little time! Our Book Club Page Pak is designed to highlight your passion for books and reading!

  • Designed by Cottage Arts (view all)
  • Contains: 10 Papers, 10 Word Art Tags, 5 Scrap.Words, 4 Journals/Journal Cards, 2 Art Cards, 2 Frames, 9 Embellishments

Item Details

So many little time! Our Book Club Page Pak is designed to highlight your (or your dear ones) passion for books and reading. Use these fantastic papers and elements with their gentle muted colors to share the joy of reading and/or the social experience of sharing with your friends, family or reading groups. The kit includes 10 eclectic papers with a faded vintage feel and include library book shelves, open book collage, ornate and floral patterns that exude the feeling of old libraries. The elements evoke more classic library feels with art cards, book marks, checkout cards, frames, reading glasses, card catalog labels, graph paper, open book, floral spray and word art tags and titles including: book, book club, book review, favorite book, learn, library, read, reading list, and after all there is nothing like a good book, so many books so little time, the world belongs to those who read. Happy creating! Keywords: purple, blue pink, red, green, blue, cream, art cards, book marks, checkout cards, frames, reading glasses, card catalog labels, graph paper, open book, floral spray: book, book club, book review, favorite book, learn, library, read, reading list, and after all there is nothing like a good book, so many books so little time, the world belongs to those who read, library, media center. Cottage Arts' Designer: Michelle Shefveland

SKU: ARTKIT-K1004-13700

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