Our Story
How we began.
Founder & CEO Glen Meakem is a veteran, a Harvard graduate, a tech entrepreneur and successful business leader, and a passionate family historian. He and his wife, Diane, have raised five wonderful children and created a lifetime of incredible memories together.
As the digital age advanced, Glen began looking for a place in the Internet cloud to keep those precious memories. A place that would guarantee permanence and provide features for sharing with family now and into the future. What he found were temporary solutions that paid for themselves by claiming ownership of your data and mining it to sell to marketers. With big-tech, the product they are selling is you.
Glen realized that people and families needed something better – a new kind of permanent cloud storage that combines modern digital technology and financial tools with cutting edge legal protections to create a permanent digital home that lasts for many generations.
Fast forward to today and the FOREVER team is successfully delivering this vision. We are a fast-growing, vibrant company full of talented people who share the same passion as our founding CEO. We offer a full suite of products & services, all with the goal of helping everyone preserve their memories and share their stories for generations.
Our Mission
Complete, permanent, and safe.
At FOREVER, we are driven by the belief that family memories and traditions are priceless treasures. FOREVER is the only company that provides a complete family memory keeping service – one that includes digitization, permanent cloud storage, content organization, and printing. We also realize that your memories belong to you and need to be protected. Your content is triple backed up and secure. Owners can rest easy knowing that FOREVER is committed to protecting their precious photos and memories, ensuring that their legacies are passed on to future generations.
We offer the first guaranteed permanent online shareable storage service backed by an economic model that makes permanence possible. You pay for FOREVER Storage® once. A large portion of the fees paid into FOREVER Storage are invested into our ground-breaking FOREVER Guarantee Fund. Monies invested in the fund are restricted and invested solely to support the ongoing preservation of your memories.

Our mission is to be the complete, permanent, and safe place where millions of families save and enjoy their memories
for generations.

Our Guarantee
Pay once, own for generations.
For us, “permanent” is not just a buzzword. It is built into our foundation. When you buy FOREVER Storage®, we guarantee that we will save and maintain your memories for your lifetime, plus 100 years, with a goal of many generations beyond. We make this guarantee because when you buy, a large portion of your payment is deposited into the FOREVER® Guarantee Fund. This fund is invested so that it increases in value and pays for the recurring costs of saving your content and migrating it to new file formats over time. Pay once and own your permanent digital home at FOREVER.