Our Year in Review

Standard Photo Book

Our Year in Review Photo Book is the perfect way to remember and reflect on your year. Choose from 66 individual layouts, including options with larger text boxes for journaling those special memories. This book encourages you to show off everything from the big highlights to the specific dates of those extra special moments in your year. All of the text in this book is entirely editable and features several font options.

  • Paper: Ultra-premium archival satin
  • Customization: Lay-flat binding with black hinge, cover finish, end papers
  • Binding: Sewn up to 60 pages. PUR glue over 60 pages.
  • Extra Page Cost: Standard Extra Pages $1.79-$3.19 ea / Hinged Layflat Extra Pages $1.99-$3.49 ea
  • Maximum Pages: 99 pages
  • Included Pages: 21 pages
  • Dimensions: 8" x 8", 10" x 10", and 12" x 12"



Book Type

$95.99 $48.00USD

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