Simple Joy

Standard Photo Book

NEW - Advanced Text Boxes! Share your favorite photos from over the years with this classic and clean photo book - great for family yearbooks and for everyday moments, too. Muted colors with nature inspired touches, add a bit of warmth and sophistication to your pages. Design includes 32 unique page layouts with ample journaling plus one full page text option. Font choices include: Lato, Sacramento, Fira Sans Condensed, Merriweather Sans, Bitter, Caladea, Merriweather, Roboto Slab, Smooch, and Birthstone.

  • Paper: Ultra-premium archival satin
  • Customization: Lay-flat binding with black hinge, cover finish, end papers
  • Binding: PUR Adhesive
  • Extra Page Cost: Standard Extra Pages $1.79-$3.19 ea / Hinged Layflat Extra Pages $1.99-$3.49 ea
  • Maximum Pages: 99 pages
  • Included Pages: 21 pages
  • Dimensions: 8" x 8" and 12" x 12"



Book Type

$95.99 $62.40USD

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