Tips & Tricks

FOREVER Digitization Connection - Average File Sizes

By Alex Cybela

Welcome to this week's edition of the FOREVER Digitization Connection!

As we review the digitization process, one aspect to consider is how to store your precious memories. The most reliable and secure method is by utilizing your FOREVER Storage. To help you understand FOREVER Storage, I would like to provide an overview of average file sizes for different types of media so you can estimate the storage capacity required for your items.

Video Files

Video files typically demand the most storage space. On average, one hour of footage requires approximately 1GB of storage. This is consistent across various types of videotapes, though the average run time for each type can vary. Below is a breakdown for reference:

  • VHS: 2 hours standard run time, up to 6 hours in extended play
  • VHS-C: 30 minutes to 1.5 hours
  • HI-8: 2 hours standard run time, up to 4 hours in extended play
  • MiniDV: 1 hour
  • Beta Max: 2 to 6 hours
  • Large U-matic: 1 hour
  • Small U-matic: 20 minutes
  • MiniDVD: 30 minutes

Film Reels

Film reels are the second largest file type. They require approximately 1GB per 1,000 feet of film. The specific film reel type and the presence of audio can affect this size. Notably, 8mm reels tend to yield marginally larger files than 16mm reels due to their smaller frame size. Additionally, audio can add a few dozen megabytes to the file size.

Audio Files

Audio files are relatively small. Typically, 1GB can accommodate about 10 hours of audio. Here is a breakdown of average run times for common audio media types:

  • 8-Track: 1.5 hours
  • Cassette: 30 minutes per side
  • Micro-cassette: 15 minutes per side
  • CD: 74 minutes
  • Records (12-inch):
    33 RPM: 25 minutes per side
    45 RPM: 15 minutes per side
  • Records (7-inch):
    33 RPM: 7 minutes per side
    45 RPM: 5 minutes per side

Scanned Items

Lastly, we have scanned items. Among these, negatives and slides typically require 1GB of storage per 600 to 800 scans. The storage space needed may increase if several flatbed slides and negatives are included. Album pages and oversized flatbed scans generally require 1GB per 750 to 900 scans, with some variations for larger items. Photo scans, being the smallest file types, average about 800 to 1,000 scans per gigabyte.

With this information, you should be well-equipped to estimate the storage needs for preserving your digitized memories.

Thank you for your time and attention. Have a wonderful weekend!

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